Sep 25, 2010


Educational tour on Forex

FOREXYARD offers several ways to convert your business to the mechanism. We know that sitting in front of the device and follow-up is not suitable for all traders, especially not for those looking for a better way to trade, by creating a robot to trade in their place. We offer wholesale non-program areas simple and efficient way to develop self-management mechanism. Check the regulations and Alasttrutejiat, select the level of risk and start your own work. Automation of this simplicity and speed. There are lots of choices and requires you to choose what is right for you. However, with the end determine Alasttratejip, you can rest the rest of the day.
Read below for all options to be able to choose the best for you
The FSA account, you can monitor tens of automatic trade systems, choose one system, your account will be conducted automatically by the system. You can even choose more than one system to minimize risk in your account. With Avctag logged for the FSA and you can put your account under management mechanism. Rest and relax while you are cleaning the trade account with all types of currencies and at all hours of work based on the proportion of risk that you prefer.
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3 - Trade Alalgoreetm
FOREXYARD program winning numerous awards for advanced traders can build Algorithm trade independently. You can write your own Algoraitham and tested and when preparing to trade the real you and start to grow and reap the profits. Alalgoreetm being built buy and sell your account on the basis of currencies and the proportion of risk that you choose
Click here for more information

4 - The API Trading
Using the global trading system FOREXYARD which provides investors with the possibility of linking prices and trading deals that prefer to enter the special program directly through the system API ((Application Protocol Interface, allowing trade on the programming background can fully benefit from this.

Economic news from the world: money: and oil: gold: the companies on Sunday 26 \ 9 \ 2010

News currencies dollar yen euro

Hui yen to its lowest level in eight and a half months against the dollar on Tuesday after strong economic data in the United States increased the expectations of investors by raising interest rates this year.

And approached the lowest level of the euro in the year, with growing concerns about the success of the plan of financial assistance to Greece and settled before the Australian dollar was up an expected increase in interest rates.

The dollar rose 0.4 percent to 94.98 yen, its highest level since Aug. 24 last year. Later settled near 94.90 yen.

According to the Ministry of Commerce said on Monday that manufacturing in the United States recorded the fastest growth rate in nearly six years in April and increased U.S. consumer spending, which represents more than two-thirds of U.S. economic activity in March for the sixth straight month.

The yen fell against the euro and Australian dollar.

The euro of $ 1.3195, unchanged from the closing price in New York, where it decreased 0.7 percent.

The transaction is expected to be light due to the market closed in Tokyo on Tuesday.

Source: Reuters


Economic outlook for higher gold prices three times within 5 years

According to many economic resources, including a memo to the World Bank, UBS said the coming years will witness an unprecedented rise in prices for gold, while the sources said, adding that the U.S. dollar will continue to decline because of severe inflation, which is taking place in economic power around the world.

Some sources reported that the increase which will have up to two thousand and five hundred dollars per ounce while gold prices today does not exceed 40% of the figure mentioned, while the higher elevations, witnessed gold since about early March of 2008, rising to 1025 dollars per ounce.

The Merrill Lynch has stated in his report that the rise will occur in stages till it reaches its height, the first phase in 2009 and 2010 will be the average prices between thousand dollars and a thousand and five hundred dollars a troy ounce, while the financial crisis is still at its highest which would lead to continued increase in prices gold, and the stage, followed by Vishdt decline and the weakness of the U.S. dollar after mid-2010, while the third phase which will see the stability of the currency rates.

US Dollar - stöðugleika dollara í þrátt fyrir væntingar um að auðvelda peningastefnunnar

Sest á viðskipti Bandaríkjadal gagnvart helstu gjaldmiðlum þrátt fyrir að efnahagsleg þættir eru ekki í hag Bandaríkjanna gjaldmiðil öruggur. The jákvæð gögn komu frá atvinnulífinu, vekur Bandaríkjadal / kanadíska dollara gagnvart 1,0380 stig, en efnahagsleg skýrslur voru blanda af evrusvæðinu, þrýsta á evru / dollara stigi að 1,3340 en styrkja GBP / USD neðan 1,5700.

Í ljósi vaxandi áhyggjum um frekari peninga slökun frá Fed, kaupmenn fóru að koma fram í mörgum af eigin tilboð þeirra á dollara í þágu hærri sveigjanlegur eignir. Þröngu munurinn skuldabréfa yfir US og Japan þrýstingi á bandaríska gjaldmiðil eins og sumir kaupmenn Mrajhat vaxtamunarviðskipta, sem eykur þrýsting á dollara.

Í dag er gert ráð fyrir skýrslu frá U. S. Varanlegur Vörur Pantanir sem geta veitt stuðning við Bandaríkjadal sem kom í kjölfar þessarar skýrslu er í samræmi við væntingar eða hærra Mentha. Hækkun á varanlegum vörum pantanir aukast eftirspurn eftir bandarískum vörum í þjónustu og iðnaði atvinnulífs, sem hefur öflug áhrif á bandarískt efnahagslíf.