Sep 28, 2010

Forex world


The word "forex" means short of speculation in the foreign exchange market or in international stock markets for foreign exchange, which is synonymous with the word "Foreign exchange" in the language
English, is speculative in the form of buying and selling of currencies in the world such as the basic Japanese yen JPY, GBP and GBP, and Swiss franc CHF, and EUR + gold
****.. And that against the U.S. dollar; the sense that it is buying and selling of those currencies in U.S. dollars or other currencies among themselves, which defines Baltqatat; any currency against currency
Other in value, and is considered speculative activity in foreign exchange earn speculative activities in the stock market, and also the most risky, because of high volatility which characterized the move
Currency up and down against the U.S. dollar or currencies among themselves, and there is no minimum for-profit as long as the speculator in the market with the direction of profit. The focus of speculation
Currencies on the stock exchange
The basic rule governing the speculation in the currency of the phrase summed up in four words: the stop loss and stop profit Stop loss and stop profit)) in the sense that it must cut
Profit and stop dealing and speculation; because the market can reverse the trend, cut losses, because the loss can be maintained.
Start with the beginning of the Tokyo Stock Exchange today, followed by Germany, the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, and then the London Stock Exchange after one hour, and the New York Stock Exchange, and then Sydney Stock Exchange, according to
GMT or Universal Time.
Risk management in speculative operations
Because market speculation in the currency of many of volatility; and the consequent high risk, so you must work a strategy to avoid speculative risk and is the most important features that
Strategy in the following:

1 - not to be speculation (buying and selling) by using the capital in full, but by including the 10% of the capital, so that the rest of the capital as an insurance market trends to reverse, and full access is the capital of gambling operations.

2 - The action point is to stop dealing and then end the process of speculation in the case of reverse trends of the market.
3 - The international news and analysis, whether political or economic news, as well as study the technical methods such as: knowledge of forms of currency and to consider curves for packets of ready-made and the indications on the direction of the market either up or down.
The foundations of speculation in the currency markets
A speculative market in cash a number of features are:

1 - work in international stock markets for a period of five days a week, and stop on Saturday and Sunday and be working in five days for 24 hours a day without interruption.

2 - The opportunities to enter the market is limited; where it is throughout the day, according to multiple tests by currency, as well as there are opportunities almost certainly the work of profits because of the huge flows of capital and the many conversions between currencies.

3 - does not exist in this area costs only the fees charged by agents for each entry or exit from the market.

4 - is the introduction of $ 100 is equal to any Lot when you make a purchase is purchased Lot one or two depending on the direction the market.

5 - can make the sales process before the procurement process in this area but each coin sold must be closed for the purchase, every purchase must be closed to the sale and so on, and thus the opportunity to receive the profits are not related to the direction of currency movement upward or downward, as well as can be obtained on the profits of both the value of the currency rise or fall.

6 - the right to withdraw any Mpelgamsttmr bats at any time or transfer any part of the profits for his bank account at any time.

7 - are not buying and selling only with the permission of a personal racquets, and be in the form of a written receipt from the client to the broker must submit to speculative investments where reveal is that desire or request, or on the image of a daily report sent to the mills by the broker.

8 - characterized by currency exchanges are fully transparent; where information is available to all traders at the same time, but not limited to a particular individual or a particular State.

9 - moving the primary market currency exchanges is the economic and political factors and the relations of States among themselves, in addition to the factors and variables are real far from the rumors, and can not influence the market by any state or the market to be in favor of a specific destination, and everyone is committed to buying and selling in the market according to the price the advertiser, according to the required balance of the market in this area.

Economic objectives of the speculative
Aimed at market speculation in the foreign currency to compensate for the loss resulting from the actual trading due to change in the exchange rate because it can not install the exchange rates in the world.
This activity is also working on a rapid transition of capital between countries, without obstacles or restrictions on them.
Are dealing with global stock markets through stockbrokers Brokers enrolled in the stock market, and the agents receive a commission for the implementation of the process regardless of
Consequences for the investor, whether profit or lost.

And agents must be restricted within the global stock markets so that no customers in the scams in this area, and restricts the agents on the Stock Exchange pay a large sum of money
Paid a deposit may reach this amount to a few million dollars. The agents did not interfere in the decisions of speculative whether in favor or against it is its only port.

It is permissible for large corporations and banks to deal with more than one broker at the same time or deal without a broker should not be buying, for example, a broker and sell to another Venevs time, or selling to a broker and then buy from another less than, the price taken by agents from the stock market, check out these institutions profit from price differences between
Brokers who are tied to different exchanges.

It is the right agents if given price may be withdrawn or rescinded at the same time due to the rapid price changes in this area.

Sep 25, 2010


Educational tour on Forex

FOREXYARD offers several ways to convert your business to the mechanism. We know that sitting in front of the device and follow-up is not suitable for all traders, especially not for those looking for a better way to trade, by creating a robot to trade in their place. We offer wholesale non-program areas simple and efficient way to develop self-management mechanism. Check the regulations and Alasttrutejiat, select the level of risk and start your own work. Automation of this simplicity and speed. There are lots of choices and requires you to choose what is right for you. However, with the end determine Alasttratejip, you can rest the rest of the day.
Read below for all options to be able to choose the best for you
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Economic news from the world: money: and oil: gold: the companies on Sunday 26 \ 9 \ 2010

News currencies dollar yen euro

Hui yen to its lowest level in eight and a half months against the dollar on Tuesday after strong economic data in the United States increased the expectations of investors by raising interest rates this year.

And approached the lowest level of the euro in the year, with growing concerns about the success of the plan of financial assistance to Greece and settled before the Australian dollar was up an expected increase in interest rates.

The dollar rose 0.4 percent to 94.98 yen, its highest level since Aug. 24 last year. Later settled near 94.90 yen.

According to the Ministry of Commerce said on Monday that manufacturing in the United States recorded the fastest growth rate in nearly six years in April and increased U.S. consumer spending, which represents more than two-thirds of U.S. economic activity in March for the sixth straight month.

The yen fell against the euro and Australian dollar.

The euro of $ 1.3195, unchanged from the closing price in New York, where it decreased 0.7 percent.

The transaction is expected to be light due to the market closed in Tokyo on Tuesday.

Source: Reuters


Economic outlook for higher gold prices three times within 5 years

According to many economic resources, including a memo to the World Bank, UBS said the coming years will witness an unprecedented rise in prices for gold, while the sources said, adding that the U.S. dollar will continue to decline because of severe inflation, which is taking place in economic power around the world.

Some sources reported that the increase which will have up to two thousand and five hundred dollars per ounce while gold prices today does not exceed 40% of the figure mentioned, while the higher elevations, witnessed gold since about early March of 2008, rising to 1025 dollars per ounce.

The Merrill Lynch has stated in his report that the rise will occur in stages till it reaches its height, the first phase in 2009 and 2010 will be the average prices between thousand dollars and a thousand and five hundred dollars a troy ounce, while the financial crisis is still at its highest which would lead to continued increase in prices gold, and the stage, followed by Vishdt decline and the weakness of the U.S. dollar after mid-2010, while the third phase which will see the stability of the currency rates.

US Dollar - stöðugleika dollara í þrátt fyrir væntingar um að auðvelda peningastefnunnar

Sest á viðskipti Bandaríkjadal gagnvart helstu gjaldmiðlum þrátt fyrir að efnahagsleg þættir eru ekki í hag Bandaríkjanna gjaldmiðil öruggur. The jákvæð gögn komu frá atvinnulífinu, vekur Bandaríkjadal / kanadíska dollara gagnvart 1,0380 stig, en efnahagsleg skýrslur voru blanda af evrusvæðinu, þrýsta á evru / dollara stigi að 1,3340 en styrkja GBP / USD neðan 1,5700.

Í ljósi vaxandi áhyggjum um frekari peninga slökun frá Fed, kaupmenn fóru að koma fram í mörgum af eigin tilboð þeirra á dollara í þágu hærri sveigjanlegur eignir. Þröngu munurinn skuldabréfa yfir US og Japan þrýstingi á bandaríska gjaldmiðil eins og sumir kaupmenn Mrajhat vaxtamunarviðskipta, sem eykur þrýsting á dollara.

Í dag er gert ráð fyrir skýrslu frá U. S. Varanlegur Vörur Pantanir sem geta veitt stuðning við Bandaríkjadal sem kom í kjölfar þessarar skýrslu er í samræmi við væntingar eða hærra Mentha. Hækkun á varanlegum vörum pantanir aukast eftirspurn eftir bandarískum vörum í þjónustu og iðnaði atvinnulífs, sem hefur öflug áhrif á bandarískt efnahagslíf.

Sep 23, 2010

Oil at 80 dollars, up 1 percent, with expectations of increased demand

Oil at 80 dollars, up 1 percent, with expectations of increased demand

Futures prices of crude oil near 80 dollars a barrel to settle at the end of Ta which dominated the concerns raised earlier that the cause of the decline of credit tightening, demand growth in the largest country in terms of oil consumption in the world.He played down the Federal Reserve raised speculation that the sudden the discount rate on Thursday, marking a change in monetary policy. Oil prices fell initially after the Council lifted the discount rate a quarter percentage point to 0.75 percent.
The government data showed U.S. consumer prices rose only 0.2 percent in January, reassuring investors that the policy of access to credit helped lift the world's largest economy from recession and fueled the demand for fuel is likely to continue.
And when you close the deal in the New York Mercantile Exchange, the price of U.S. light crude in March contracts settled at 75 cents, or 0.95 percent to 79.81 dollars a barrel, after falling earlier in more than dollars to 77.76 dollars a barrel.
In London, Brent crude jumped European benchmark crude 44 cents to 78.22 dollars a barrel.
Meanwhile, Mohammad Ali Khatibi representative of Iran in the OPEC: It's based on predictions, the global demand for oil in the second half of 2010 will increase an average of one million to 4.1 million would bring the price of oil. The official said the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries "OPEC": The members of the organization plans to spend up to 65 billion dollars in the petroleum industry manufacturing to expand refineries and boost production from petroleum products refined during the next five years to meet the increasing demand for these basic materials in the promotion of industrial development. He pointed out that 40 billion dollars will be invested within the OIC countries to increase production capacity of refined products in Member States by two million barrels a day to reach 10 million barrels per day while that will be about 25 billion dollars for investments outside the organization to contribute in strengthening the capacity of the world refineries and of empowering the supplies of refined petroleum international markets hungry for this kind of fuel

Bill Gates

Bill Gates
                                            Bill Gates
It has been a year of reclamation for America's richest. The total worth of the Forbes 400 was up 8% to $1.37 trillion, well out-earning the 1% rise in the S&P over the same period of time. More than half (217) are richer than they were a year ago.
The headline number tells a partial story. Just over one-third of the 400 failed to add to their fortunes or lost ground. Still far above us is the record of $1.57 trillion in total net worth set in 2008.

But the very top of the list gained, as good friends Bill Gates and Warren Buffett were up $4 billion and $5 billion, respectively. They, too, are short of their personal highs. Gates, who in March lost his title of world's richest person to Mexico's Carlos Slim, is still America's richest person--for the 17th year in a row.

In Pictures: America’s Wealthiest
Warren Buffett Talks With Jay-Z
Newcomers On The Forbes 400 Youngest American Billionaires
Billionaires In The Making

Las Vegas gaming tycoon Sheldon Adelson was the kid, or "comeback adolescent," as he calls himself. "I'm too old to be a kid," he told Forbes. The largest shareholder of Las Vegas Sands ( LVS - news - people ) is the year's biggest dollar gainer. His casino's shares are up 1,500% since their 2009 low. Adelson is now the 13th richest American, worth $14.7 billion, up $5.7 billion from last year--though nowhere close to his $28 billion net worth in 2007, when he ranked third among Americans.

The biggest gainer in percentage terms is Mark Zuckerberg, who more than tripled his fortune to $6.9 billion. The more conservative private valuation of Facebook is now around $23 billion; illiquid shares in the secondary markets point to an even richer valuation. Two of his cofounders are in the ranks for the first time: Eduardo Saverin and Dustin Moskovitz, both classmates of Zuckerberg's at Harvard. Moskovitz, who is eight days younger than Zuckerberg, now bragging rights as the world's youngest billionaire.

The Facebook cofounders are among 16 newcomers on this year's list. Other notables include Dean Metropoulos, whose private equity firm recently bought Pabst Brewing; Terrence Pegula, who sold his Pennsylvania mining outfit to Royal Dutch Shell ( RDSA - news - people ) for $4.7 billion in May; and Elaine Wynn, whose divorce from casino magnate Steve Wynn was finalized in January.

The price of admission to the 400 is back up to the $1 billion mark. Last year it was $950 million, the first time since 2005 it had fallen below 10 figures. The most notable of the 18 returnees is Ford Motor ( F - news - people ) scion William Ford Sr., who made the cut after a four-year absence as the automobile company's stock hit five-year highs.

Thirty-four people fell from the ranks, a number of whom just barely missed the cut. At least two saw their fortunes unravel. Tamir Sapir, a former taxi driver who built a real estate fortune, owes at least $340 million for nonpayment of loans, his creditors say. He may be suffering from deteriorating mental condition. Hedge fund chief Raj Rajaratnam faces insider trading charges.

Nine of the drop-offs fell off the list permanently. John Kluge passed away this summer. He was America's richest man from 1989 to 1991, before losing the title to Bill Gates. Yankees owner George Steinbrenner died in July just, after his 80th birthday.

Our estimates of public fortunes are a snapshot of wealth on Aug. 25, 2010, the date we locked in net worths and rankings. We have not included dispersed fortunes (as in those of the Du Ponts) when individual net worths are below our minimum. But we do include wealth belonging to a member's immediate relatives if the wealth can ultimately be traced to one living individual; in that case, "& family" indicates that the number shown includes money belonging to more than one person.

Every man has a special talent

Everyone has a talent, what is your talent,
To the security piece now please answer
God gave us talents you knew every one of us What talent to the Lord grant
Creative people are known only from the Lord's grace to discover their talents and managed to exploit and develop their talents even have made great gains
 Thanks to the grace of the Lord (talent self) _
Every successful person even if it failed several times and is successful
Because success is born of failure
Let's go together to discover the talents in ourselves more success for each person

Sep 22, 2010

Chinese auto companies to succeed in the tradition of global brands

Chinese auto companies to succeed in the tradition of global brands


 Beijing auto exhibition showed great superiority achieved by the Chinese companies in the development of fake versions of the various global automotive brands where it is difficult for the buyer is not the expert that distinguishes it from the original. Infectious tradition of the famous West car to China, and flourished market is significantly, in the attempt to Chinese companies newly entering the industry, which was still dominated by big names, especially American, European, and Japanese. According to a report prepared by JP ATI or Dynamics for the Study of the auto market to China International Fair for Cars, hosted by Beijing recently demonstrated a clear demand for cars cheap imitations that carry all the features and form of the famous West car with a significant difference in the price.
Said ... Margetts, General Manager of the institution in Germany that recognized the true identity of cars that have emerged in the course of China was extremely difficult.
Has shown great ability in the Chinese tradition and the copies in the field of cars where they exhibit the car look like replica of the famous international brands, while the specifications are far from the original vehicle specifications On the other hand they offer very cheap prices. Margetts indicates the importance of recognizing that the Chinese think the cost of all, especially in light of the fact that the majority of trying to acquire a car for the first time and therefore it is important to provide them with this car at a relatively reasonable.
He added that the Chinese interest rate makes them ignore the absence of many of the elements considered by consumers in Europe and America, for example essential elements in any car, such as airbags and brake with a system to prevent closure.
Although it was emphasized Margetts, Chinese companies will not need a long time to be able to develop models of its own and has a strong presence in the global market, including markets in Europe and America, where successful Chinese companies a few years to achieve what they reached auto companies in other Asian including South Korea and Malaysia during the several decades

Sep 20, 2010

Magic of the Internet in life is good

  • Internet service has achieved great success in bringing people together from different countries
  • of the world
  • Has successfully served the Internet all business transactions between companies in different business areas
    And contributing to the success of trade and profit of all business transactions and this so-called Internet And magicians on the lives of people and trade
  • Internet behind the virtual world beautiful free of frustration and failure which accompanies real life. I have been making the Internet in our lives to the success of the supernatural
  • Magic of the Internet in life is good
  • Magic of the Internet in life is good